Let’s Make the Wildlife & Nature Campus a Reality

We Need Your Voice To Make It Happen

Project Update Note 6/18/2024

We recognize the former Hughes Stadium site is the traditional homeland of several Indigenous Nations. The city is also home to Indigenous People representing many Nations. This project is currently only a proposal, but if our project is approved for the City to work with us, we will honor the formal government-to-government consultation that will need to occur between many Tribal Nations and the City of Fort Collins. We would also want to ensure broader engagement with Indigenous community members. We want to honor the people and stewardship of the area from thousands of years ago to the present day and into the future.  

Artist Conceptual Rendition – Not Actual Design

Our vision of creating a Wildlife & Nature Campus at Hughes comes one step closer as the City of Fort Collins develops its community engagement process and they will also communicate with the local Indigenous community. We look forward to learning more.

The Wildlife & Nature Campus at Hughes will feature the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, and supporting partner Audubon Rockies. You will join a coalition of community members, businesses, and organizations strongly supporting the project. We envision a top-rated, nature-inspired facility to connect people of all ages and abilities with nature.

The Campus will welcome visitors to experience and participate in scientific research, habitat restoration, nature exploration, and more. The site will enhance our abilities to rescue and rehabilitate a larger and greater diversity of raptors building on our professional, licensed wildlife rescue and rehabilitation services. Live Educational Ambassador eagles, owls, other raptors, reptiles, and amphibians will be available to add to learning and appreciation. Additionally, the Campus, located between two existing natural areas, and Bird Conservancy’s bird banding station, will offer access to the existing trail system and a learning bridge to the natural world.

Artist Conceptual Rendition – Not Actual Design

The partnering organizations will offer one-of-a-kind volunteerism and internship opportunities for students and adults, as well as experiential learning and environmental education in and outside our dedicated education center. The low-profile facility will serve as a gateway to our natural world complementing the natural hogback and reflecting the beauty of our foothills. 

The facility will be open to the public and accommodate school groups, college students, and community members. Campus visitors will enjoy wildlife viewing and connections to nature while learning about everyday conservation actions they can implement at home, school, or neighborhood to create a healthier community and planet.

We Need Your Help To Bring This Dream to Reality 

Use our sample letter and talking points as a guide to write to you council members. It is important for you to personalize your letter, as it is more likely to be read by council members if you do.

Send Your Letter of Support via Email or Snail Mail

Find your appropriate representative using the button below.

Jeni Arndt, Mayor jarndt@fcgov.com

Susan Gutowsky, Councilmember District 1 sgutowsky@fcgov.com

Julie Pignataro, Councilmember District 2 jpignataro@fcgov.com

Tricia Canonico, Councilmember District 3 tcanonico@fcgov.com

Melanie Potyondy, Councilmember District 4 mpotyondy@fcgov.com

Kelly Ohlson, Councilmember District 5 kohlson@fcgov.com

Emily Francis, Councilmember District 6 & Mayor Pro Tem efrancis@fcgov.com

You can mail your letter via USPS, addressed to your specific Council Member:          

 –   PO Box 580. Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 

No other community in Colorado brings together the ornithology, wildlife capacity, and conservation awareness that we propose. Help us bring this inspired vision to the Fort Collins region.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

With most sincere  gratitude,

Carin Avila 

Executive Director

Rocky Mountain Raptor Program


Call me at: 970-484-7756 or mobile 970-978-2250

Connect With Our Lead Partner

Tammy VerCauteren, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies  Email: tammy.vercauteren@birdconservancy.org