About: The RMRP Photo Calendar Fundraiser

The 2026 Calendar Photo Contest is Open!!!

The Rocky Mountain Raptor Program invites amateur and professional photographers to submit their photos of birds of prey. The top 13 photographs will be included in the RMRP Annual 2025 Photo Calendar.  All photographs will include photo credits. Winning photographers will receive a free copy of the calendar, and a discount on additional calendar purchases.

Wild or captive, raptor photos that capture the beauty and ingenuity of these amazing creatures will aid the mission of RMRP to inspire the protection and appreciation of raptors and their habitats.

The Details:

  • All photographs must show ethical behavior around wildlife. Please refer to the American Birding Associations Code of Ethics which can be found HERE.
  • We will not print photos of birds that have been harassed, flushed, or baited to come to a particular spot. We will not publish photos of nests or nestling raptors.
  • If your photos contain people, you must submit signed photo releases from them, or their parent if they are a minor.
  • Raptors from around the world photographed in the wild or in captivity qualify, please indicate which.
  • Photographs are judged blind by our panel of judges, meaning they do not know the name of the photographer while judging. They are only given the details you submit about the photo.

Photo Specifications:

  • Photos must be sized for printing at 12 inches wide by 10 inches high at 300 dpi (3600W X 3000H pixels) or larger.
  • Photos must be horizontal or “landscape” format; vertical photos will not be considered unless they can be cropped to a landscape format without losing quality.
  • You do not need to re-size or crop your photo to an exact size, as long as it meets or exceeds the above criteria. We will be cropping and making sizing adjustments as needed on our end during design for production.
  • Save your photo files using “highest” JPG quality for best results.
  • Do not include personal logos, signatures, or watermarks, as we will be adding a copyright with your name to the photo if it is selected for print.

How to Submit:

    • You will need to fill our your information, upload your photos and information about your photos, and have payment ready.
    • Entry fees are $35 for the initial photograph, and $5 for each additional photograph.

Become a Sponsor:

We are seeking sponsors for the 2025 Rocky Mountain Raptor Program Photo Calendar. Each year, this fundraiser helps spread awareness of our mission all over the US, and brightens walls everywhere with amazing and beautiful images.