Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
This fiery Red-tailed Hawk was found on the side of I-25 near Fort Collins in 1999. She had sustained a fractured right clavicle & coracoid (shoulder area) and head trauma, which impaired the vision in her left eye. Because of her impaired vision, she could not be released to the wild. She was an adult when admitted (at least 2 years old), so her exact age is unknown.
As one of our oldest and most solid ambassador raptors, she spent many years making hundreds of public appearances at events across Colorado. Now, in her older age, she is moving into partial (well deserved) retirement. While you may not see her at the bigger festival events anymore, she is still making appearances at many local programs and shorter events!
She was named Ember after her glowing red tail and her incandescent attitude.
Sponsor Ember
- Digital species fact sheet
- Digital sponosorship certificate
- Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
- Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report
- Hard-copy species fact sheet
- Hard-copy sponsorship certificate
- RMRP sticker
- Small stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
- Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
- Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report
- Hard-copy species fact sheet
- Hard-copy sponsorship certificate
- RMRP sticker
- Medium stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
- Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
- Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report
- Hard-copy species fact sheet
- Hard-copy sponsorship certificate
- RMRP Sticker
- Large stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
- Birds of Prey of the West Field Guide by Stan Tekiela
- Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
- Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report