Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

This bird came to RMRP in 2012 after he was witnessed falling out of a tree in Casper, WY. When he arrived at the center, he was close to death. He was unable to move his legs or see and was very lethargic. Each day, with supportive care, he became stronger and began slowly recovering from his head trauma. He regained use of his legs and began standing. He began eating on his own and was heading for recovery. Unfortunately, he failed prey testing two times, unable to make those fine adjustments to successfully catch food. He came so far in his recovery and was so close to release. Sadly, some minor neurological issues from the head trauma remained, including a visual deficit from retinal scars and a cataract in his right eye.

This hard-working Ambassador educated thousands in a variety of venues. He passed away in 2022 from an uncommon degenerative bone condition that was causing painful changes in his elbows.