Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Photo by (c) Dominique Thigpen

This Great Horned Owl came to us in August 2006 as an immature bird. She was found in Wellington, Colorado with a fracture of the left humerus(upper wing bone) near the shoulder. Despite surgery, the bone did not heal in the correct position for her to fly straight.  Thus she became an educational ambassador.

Great Horned Owls are known as the “tigers of the sky”. They are big, tough, silent predators of dawn & dusk (crepuscular). Looking at our educational female Great Horned Owl, you cannot help but be impressed. As a female, she is about one third larger than a male would be.

Great horned owls are the most common and most adaptive owl in North America. They will hunt just about anything, including other raptors. Easily adaptable, they are commonly found throughout urban environments. They are the largest owl that resides in Colorado, measuring 25 inches in height with a 3-4 ½-foot wingspan.

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