The Aerie Society
RMRP supporters who make gifts of $1,000 or more per calendar year receive membership in RMRP’s Aerie Society, a giving club for our most generous donors.
The name for this special group was chosen very carefully. An Aerie (pronounced “eye-ree)” is a safe stronghold such as the nest of a hawk or eagle, perched on a cliff or other high place.
Aerie Society members show uncommon support of the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program, and provide RMRP with a strong foundation to fulfill our mission: Inspiring the appreciation and protection of raptors and the spaces where they live through excellence in rehabilitation, education, and research.
In return, the RMRP gives Aerie Society members exceptional ways to see how their support shapes the future of the program: 2 tickets to the Annual Gala Dinner and Benefit Auction, private tours of the facility to see what your belief has built, and donor events that let you know just how much you mean as our stronghold.
You can join the Aerie Society by donating a lump sum amount, or by making quarterly, or monthly donations that total $1,000 per calendar year.
I want to donate $1000 and join the society now.
The 2024 Aerie Society
Amanda and Jason Abell
Leonard and Jane Abels
Kim Achziger & Don Wilson
Patrick Adams and Sarah Lucio-Adams
Alice N. Jenkins Foundation
ArboRx Tree Care, LLC
Mrs. Ilka Archambault and Mr. Bill Hudson
Elizabeth Ann Armour & Philip Rakita
Piper Aune
Carin Avila
Nancy Avila
Eileen and Bryan Baker
Susan Baker and Stephen Scheid
Katie Bell and Josh Scheuring
Thomas and Jacqueline Bennett
Christine Berkness
Christopher and Jenny Berven
George and Barbara Biedenstein
Christopher Bielinski & Jenny Geiser
Paula Boswell & Donna Herrick
David Bousquet
Michael Bowie & P. Elaine Roberts
Dave and Kerry Brookman
Sarah Brooks & Valerie Cotten
Rob and Kristy Buettner
David and Alexandra Butler
Bryan Byers
Lisa and James Carlson
Rhonda Carpenter and Kolt Johnson
Dale Carson and Beth Knickerbocker
Joan Carter
Armand and Lauren Charbonneau
Bobbi Cipriano & Lu Callahan
Clark Colorado Wildlife Fund
Michael and Monika Connally
Kitty Cottingham
Karen and Steven Cruise
Ross and Jill Cunniff
John and Kate Davis
Carl Davis
The Denver Foundation, Nordic Pearl Fund
Jay Desai
Norm and Sandy Dinnsen
Downtown Aquarium
Jack and Felicia Dudek
Barbara Duffner
Kenneth F. Dunnington
Amie and Benji Durden
Carroll Fanning
Fishing Dog Foundation
KC Collins Frame & John Frame
Bob and Rose Francella
Karen and Ron Frohock
Dennis and Geri Georg
Heather and Brandon Gleeson
Gary Graves & Renee Sherman
Barbara Green
Robert Gregory
Eileen Griffin
Barry Hamilton
Jon and Kimberly Hassinger
Bob Heer & Mary Kolenyk
Hillside Construction, Inc.
Holdfast Collective – Marin Community Foundation
The Home Depot Foundation
Dean and Mary Horkey
Todd Hoven
Scott and Ria Hudson
Natalia and Joseph Huguelet
Gene and Susan Humphries
Cheryl and Clifton Hunter
George and Margaret Janson
Barry Johnson & Jane Pollock
Doug Johnston and Karen Uyeda
Steve and Julie Joyce
Kroger Community Partners Program
Steve and Linda Kwiatkowski
David and Diana Larson
Ellen Lawson
Bill and Janice Laxson
Michael and Gayle Lettenmaier
Mike Lockhart
Maki Foundation
Keith Malsom & Donna Lusby
Maxine Mandell
Mr. Laurence Mason
Jim and Joanne Matson
Judy McArthur & Hal Smith
Seth McEwan
Aaron and Ashley McGrew
John and Elizabeth McGrew
Heidi Mcworkman
Peter and Jane Mellers
Messing Family Charitable Foundation
Trisha and Laura Mohon
Sharon Montville
National Philanthropic Trust
John and Cindy Nigh
Carolee Novak
William O’Deen
The Odette Foundation
OneTech Computer Consulting, Inc.
OtterCares Foundation
Northern Trust: Pajeau Wildlife Foundation
Lori Pivonka & Nic Klein
Anthony Piwinski & Karen Pitzen
Stephen Piwinski
Platte River Power Authority
Poudre Pet and Feed Supply
The Powell Foundation
Power Line Sentry, LLC
Andrea Rayford
Scott Raymond
John and Barbara Read
Larry and Heather Reeder
Vic and MC Reichman
Roberta & Edward M. Iacino Foundation
John and Linda Sachs
Donald and Marjorie Schafer
Judy Scherpelz
Sally and William Skridulis
Lyn Stevens & Tom Remington
Cordelia Stone & Phil Leonhardt
Susan S. Martin Charitable Giving Fund
Chauncey and Christy Taylor
Russell Taylor and Mary Wilson
Taylor Family Fund
Ray and Janet Thurman
Valerie Todd
George Tomasevich
C&C Art LLC, DBA Tribal Rites
United Mailing
Christian Watts
Stephen Weston & Glinda Lobdell
Bill and Anne Wheeler
DeeDee Wieggel
Wild Birds Unlimited
The William H. and Mattie Wattis Harris Foundation
Zachary Wilson
Mike and Leslie Winn
Kimmie and James Winston
Jennifer Wolfe Webb
Eiland and Jill Wood
Mary Catherine Wynne & William Humphrey
Shannon and Rob Yockey
Karla Younessi