Coopers Hawk 13_229 Window Strike
This immature Cooper’s hawk was admitted from Laporte, CO on 10/12 after hitting a window the previous evening. This bird suffered some significant head and body trauma from the impact. …
This immature Cooper’s hawk was admitted from Laporte, CO on 10/12 after hitting a window the previous evening. This bird suffered some significant head and body trauma from the impact. …
April is usually a month that is usually just a warm-up for our busy season that kicks in high gear around Mid-May or early June……..not this year! Late season snowstorms …
The best feeling in the world is when a raptor is able to go through the rehabilitation process and get its Second Chance at Freedom. However, the role of the …
Take a drive around northern Colorado and you will see raptors everywhere. Red-tailed Hawks seem to be on every other power pole as you drive down I-25. Rough-legged Hawks enjoy …
Winter has finally arrived here in Northern Colorado bringing with it snow and cold temperatures. 2012 was a year filled with challenges: fires that displaced both people and wildlife, drought …
November is the month that those in the RMRP rehabilitation department look forward to for most of the year because it signals the “slow”season for us. A time when the …
On October 12th, an immature red-tailed hawk was brought into our facility from Yuma, Colorado. The bird had been hit by a truck. Now being hit by a vehicle is …
The mornings are cool and crisp. The leaves are changing color. Fall is definitely in the air. With the change in seasons comes a change in the type of cases …
So here it is our first entry–welcome. RMRP rehab is entering the blogging world! We hope this blog will provide a glimpse into our daily world, the world of raptor …