Climate Change and Raptors

This week, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) reported that global temps in August this year have surpassed all historic heat records since records began being kept in the 1880’s. …


*UPDATE* The young male American Kestrel that was admitted on 6/26 with severe spinal trauma, was moved this past weekend to a small conditioning enclosure in our flight complex. This …

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day

Today is International Migratory Bird Day. Many of those migratory birds we care for here at the RMRP: Peregrine Falcons, Swainson’s Hawks, Turkey Vultures, Bald Eagles and more. You can …

A November to Remember

November is the month that those in the RMRP rehabilitation department look forward to for most of the year because it signals the “slow”season for us.  A time when the …

Case #12-221 Red-tailed hawk

On October 12th, an immature red-tailed hawk was brought into our facility from Yuma, Colorado.  The bird had been hit by a truck.  Now being hit by a vehicle is …