Public Outreach Internship
Running a wildlife care rehabilitation program requires public relations, friend raising and fund raising. It takes many hands, minds and creativity to make all the connections needed for success in …
Running a wildlife care rehabilitation program requires public relations, friend raising and fund raising. It takes many hands, minds and creativity to make all the connections needed for success in …
This week, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) reported that global temps in August this year have surpassed all historic heat records since records began being kept in the 1880’s. …
*UPDATE* The young male American Kestrel that was admitted on 6/26 with severe spinal trauma, was moved this past weekend to a small conditioning enclosure in our flight complex. This …
This young male American Kestrel was admitted on Thursday (6/26) from Fort Collins,CO.The bird was found in the middle of the street and apparently been hit by a car. On …
Today is International Migratory Bird Day. Many of those migratory birds we care for here at the RMRP: Peregrine Falcons, Swainson’s Hawks, Turkey Vultures, Bald Eagles and more. You can …
Meet some live raptors and learn how you can support our organization as well as support flood relief efforts in Northern Colorado. Bath Nursery is hosting a Flood Fundraising event …
Celebrate birds, bikes, and summer at the RMRP’s Summer Open House on Saturday, August 24th, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Just a few blocks from the finish line of Stage …
The best feeling in the world is when a raptor is able to go through the rehabilitation process and get its Second Chance at Freedom. However, the role of the …
November is the month that those in the RMRP rehabilitation department look forward to for most of the year because it signals the “slow”season for us. A time when the …
On October 12th, an immature red-tailed hawk was brought into our facility from Yuma, Colorado. The bird had been hit by a truck. Now being hit by a vehicle is …