Bob Francella, Director of Development

Growing up in Chester County, Pennsylvania near the banks of the historic Brandywine Creek, I spent much of my youth outdoors, exploring the stream and the lush green rolling hillsides. Among my favorite activities was appreciating the wildlife, particularly watching the farmland raptors on the wing as they scanned the landscape for a meal. 

Nearby was a rock quarry filled with cold spring water. Plunging in on a hot summer day took your breath away. I didn’t realize it at the time, but through these simple acts of childhood play and pastime I was discovering and forming a relationship with nature; it’s purity and beauty washing over me.

I was excited to learn in 2004 of the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program’s inspired work of rescuing and rehabilitating raptors while teaching the value and importance of caring for the world we inhabit. After many years of leading nonprofit groups to achieve their missions through fundraising success, this was a cause that spoke deeply to my heart. I served in a leadership role with RMRP from 2005 to 2010 before setting off on other adventures. I continued my relationship both as a volunteer and a consultant. Now I’ve been invited back to once again lead the development effort, and I am thankful to be a part of it.

The earth is not infinitely renewable; her self-healing properties are limited and our civilization is testing them. We have an opportunity and a responsibility to protect her for the good of humanity and all living things, and raptors help us gauge how we’re doing. RMRP gives me hope that we not only can, but are making a difference in caring for our perfectly designed nest, this fragile organism that we call home.

I am so grateful for your belief in advancing RMRP’s mission, and inspiring hope that each generation can leave this world a little better than we found it.

Bob Francella

Director of Development

Rocky Mountain Raptor Program


Mobile: 970-449-3949

Office: 970-484-7756