
Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

Injured in Northern Wyoming, this bird was transferred to the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program from our friends at Teton Raptor Center in December 2011 for further flight testing (her hatch date was spring of 2011). 

All grown up! Swainson’s with adult plumage.

She had a broken right ulna (lower wing bone) that healed in an over-riding fashion preventing flight. Because of her disability, she became an Educational Ambassador raptor at RMRP. Over the following 2 years we got to watch her gradually molt in her adult plumage – such a an amazing honor!

In the spring of 2018, she laid her first egg with us. Since then, she has laid multiple (unfertilized) eggs in our care. Although we do not breed raptors at our facility and the eggs she laid were unfertilized, it means a lot to us that she was so comfortable that she laid eggs with us (rare in captive raptors!).

This feisty girl is named after Eowyn from the Lord of the Rings, because of her bold, confident demeanor. She is one of our most solid ambassadors, and makes frequent appearances at a wide variety of events across Colorado.

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  • Small stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
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  • Hard-copy species fact sheet
  • Hard-copy sponsorship certificate
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  • Medium stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
  • Join the RMRP exclusive print newsletter and e-newsletter for 2 years
  • Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report
  • Hard-copy species fact sheet
  • Hard-copy sponsorship certificate
  • RMRP Sticker
  • Large stuffed animal (may not be representative of sponsorship species)
  • Birds of Prey of the West Field Guide by Stan Tekiela
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  • Your sponsorship will be listed in the RMRP Annual Report