Jessica Miller, Education & Outreach Coordinator

Contact Jessica

“I continue to be passionate about working with the RMRP because I believe that environmental education is critically valuable to the future sustainability of our world.”

Jessica Miller

“I’d always go for the adventure.” – Marty Murie

As a native of Colorado, growing up along the front range, Jessica spent most of her childhood outdoors riding bikes, digging up bugs, and generally getting dirty. A deep passion for trees led her to pursue a degree in Parks and Protected Areas Management from Colorado State University.  After graduating in 2002, she began working with the National Park Service as an Educator and the NPS provided her the opportunity to explore the Grand Tetons, the deserts of southern Utah, northern Arizona, and eventually brought her back to Fort Collins.

Through her work with Colorado State Parks, Larimer County Parks, and the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas, Jessica has developed a deep passion for teaching others about the value and beauty of the world around us, especially in ordinary things. Jessica has always loved exploring and getting away from the craziness of life by being outdoors, finding solace and enlightenment in the quietness of nature.

A lifelong bird enthusiast, a chance encounter with the RMRP’s educational Barn Owl at the Estes Park Highlands Festival introduced her to the program. She began volunteering in 2011, and has supported the program by helping to train new volunteers, present educational programs, and lead volunteer crews.  In 2014, she was joined the staff as an Educational Associate, working to provide care for the educational ambassador birds, support volunteer development, and provide educational and outreach opportunities to the public. In October 2017 Jessica took on additional management roles as the Education and Outreach Coordinator.

Jessica and her husband love to spend time outdoors with their three dogs hiking, camping, birding, taking pictures, gardening, and exploring everything as much as possible.

  • B.S. Natural Resources Recreation and Tourism, concentration in Parks and Protected Areas Management
  • Certified Interpretive Guide – National Association for Interpretation
  • Certified Master Naturalist – City of Fort Collins Natural Areas
  • Environmental educator at many national, state and local entities
  • Began as a volunteer in 2011
  • Trained in all aspects of educational raptor care

Contact Jessica